I will be pulling all of my audio off NG relatively soon, for the maybe 2 people who care. For a while now I've only used it for hosting purposes, rather than posting it specifically for NG. However, the low ratings my music get are not something I wish to show off, even though I don't put much stock in them. I don't fit the audience of NG, like a few other low-rated composers on here that I think are quite talented. Because my music doesn't use percussion, battle themes, or Chopin bass, there isn't much of a place for me here.
If you still want to follow my music, I have a music page on Facebook (Scott Keegan) and a small site (www.freewebs.com/sdkcompositions/). If you happen to be in Germany early October, I'm having Episodes performed by Plathner's 11 in a concert series, a group consisting of German Grammy nominated and other award-winning musicians. The concerts are free if you happen to be in the Hanover area.
Nobody will probably read this or give a shit, but goodbye anyway.
:( I give a shit. I love your music, quite a lot, in fact.